The Mathews company manufactures single-cam hunting bows. The cam refers to a rotating wheel that helps to increase the velocity of the bow string. According to Mathews, the company has been creating variations of the single cam, or solo cam, hunting bow since 1992. The Q2 is one of Mathews discontinued bow models that was offered from 2001 to 2004.
The Mathews company created the single-cam design out of necessity. Bows in the early 1990s featured a double cam. The solo cam bows from Mathews helped to increase accuracy and decrease the amount of recoil and noise. The Q2 model from Mathews remains an ideal bow for recreational hunting and archery competitions. The Q2 allows you to take down small-to-medium sized game as well as hit moving targets during competitions.
Mathews offered a convenient feature with the Q2 known as the Arrow Web quiver. According to Mathews, the Arrow Web could be fastened to the side of the Q2 and enabled you to carry up to five carbon fiber or aluminum arrows. The Q2 featured a camouflage finish that allowed you to remain hidden from your hunting targets. The molded handle and competition grip of the Q2 permitted you to maintain control of the bow while releasing the arrow. The Q2 offered Mathews' signature Micro Rest. The Micro Rest holds the arrow in a stabilized position as you draw back the bow string.
The Q2 featured the Mathews Straight Line Max Cam. According to Mathews, the Max Cam does not allow you to increase or decrease the draw length of the bow string. Mathews offered the Max Cam in varying sizes to accommodate the varying sizes of users. The largest Max Cam had a draw length of 30 inches. The smallest model of the Max Cam had a maximum draw length of just over 25 inches. The Mathews Solo Cam bows, including the Q2, enable you to decrease the draw weight of the bow string by as much as 10 pounds.
Writer Bio
Philip Foster has been writing professionally since 2010. His work has been featured in the literary-arts magazine "The PEEL" and the weekly newspaper "The Mountain Xpress." Foster is an expert in various extreme sports. He cooked in a restaurant that offered organic and vegetarian cuisine for over three years. Foster received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from Appalachian State University.