Determining when your Chrysler outboard motor was manufactured may be necessary when it is time for repairs or replacement parts. Chrysler is no longer in the outboard motor trade; in the 1980s, the government forced the sale of this division as part of their bailout plan. However, the outboard motors from that time are still available in the marketplace as used engines. The best method for identifying the year is by tracking the model number.
Locate the model number of the outboard motor. The serial number and model number are on the Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO) plate located on the outboard motor bracket. This should be easy to identify; it will be a metal plate secured to the bracket. The heading will read "Chrysler Marine" or "Force." Underneath the heading will be the model number. Write the model number down on a piece of paper and note the horsepower (HP) of your engine. This HP number will be somewhere on the MSO plate.
Log into the Master Tech Marine website on your computer's browser.
Click on the link for your engine on the "Model Year Index" menu, the links list by horsepower. For example, if your engine has a five horsepower motor, you would click on the link for "3.5 thru 9.2 HP."
Locate the model number on the chart. The model numbers are in the third column of the chart. Once you find your model, the year is in the second column in the same row.
Writer Bio
Writing since 1999, Darla Ferrara is an award-winning author who specializes in health, diet, fitness and computer technology. She has been published in "Mezzo Magazine" and Diet Spotlight, as well as various online magazines. Ferrara studied biology and emergency medical technology at the University of Nebraska and Southeast Community College.