Coleman ABS roofs were introduced in 1996, and were installed on all Coleman pop-up trailers from 1996 to 1998. In 1999, Coleman stopped producing the roofs and started buying ABS roofs from another company. ABS is thick plastic that is durable, but it often cracks and becomes damaged over time. Fixing a crack in a Coleman ABS roof takes a few hours and can improve the look and life of the roof.
Items you will need
¼-inch drill bit
ABS cleaner
ABS glue
MEK (methyl ethyl ketone)
ABS powder
Jar with lid
Safety goggles
Park the camper in a warm, dry, well-ventilated area. The camper must stay dry for at least 24 hours after the process is finished. Carports are ideal for this project because the roof stays dry and the air is circulated well. The chemicals you will be working with are highly toxic and should never be used in an enclosed space.
Drill a small hole at each end of the crack. These holes reduce the stress on the cracks and will stop the crack from spreading.
Sand around the crack and make the area rough. The glue and compounds will work better on a rough surface.
Clean the area with ABS cleaner to remove all debris, sap or anything else on the roof. ABS cleaner is sometimes called PVC/ABS cleaner solvent.
Pour equal parts ABS powder and MEK into a glass jar. ABS powder and MEK can normally be found in the PVC area at most hardware stores. Always wear gloves and safety goggles when working with these chemicals.
Place a lid on the jar and allow the chemicals to sit for two minutes. Open the lid and stir the mixture until it is smooth. Replace the lid and allow it to sit again. Repeat this process until the mix is the consistency of melted plastic.
Scoop a small amount of mixture out of the jar and spread it over the crack in the roof. Completely cover the crack with the mix. Two or three coats made be required if the crack is deep or long. The MEK will melt the ABS powder to the roof and seal the crack.
Allow the camper to dry for at least 24 hours.
- Do not get the ABS/MEK mixture or the ABS clear on the sides of the pop-up. These chemicals will cause the sides to become discolored.
- Do not get the ABS/MEK mixture or the ABS clear on the sides of the pop-up. These chemicals will cause the sides to become discolored.
Writer Bio
Donna Armstrong is a freelance writer who has been writing since 2005. She has provided copy for catalogs, newspapers, newsletters, blogs, informational and e-commerce websites. She has written on a variety of subjects including state-of-the-art electronics and household products. She has worked for such websites as Work.com and Realtvaddict.com. She attended the University of Texas, where she studied history and education.