Way back before the invention of cigarette factories, people would roll their own cigarettes for both pleasure and for income. Rolling your own cigarettes can save you thousands of dollars over time and allow you to create the same quality cigarette that you purchase at a store. Rather than spending a large amount of money on a cigarette roller with all the bells and whistles, create your own roller using everyday items normally found around the house.
Making Your Cigarette Roller
The concept of rolling your own cigarettes entails having a cylinder that you can fill with tobacco and fitting the tube over that cylinder so that the tobacco slides into the cigarette tube with ease.
Collect four or five plastic drinking straws, a 1-1/4-inch wooden dowel, cigarette tubes and quality tobacco. (Empty cigarette tubes come in various sizes such as king, slim, and extra long, and flavors such as menthol and regular .
Cut approximately 1/4" off of one end of a straw, then cut down the center. Fill the center of the straw with the tobacco, and place the cigarette tube over one end of the straw. Push the tobacco into the empty cigarette tube using the wooden dowel.
Once you get a feel for this process, you can roll a pack of cigarettes in 10 to 15 minutes.
Use sturdy vinyl or flexible metal to roll your cigarettes as well; simply use these items in the same fashion as the straw, but make sure you use the wooden dowel to push the tobacco into the tube.
Writer Bio
Based in Rochester, N.Y., Heidi Carson is an employee training specialist with over 14 years of experience in the behavioral health field. Carson has been writing for Demand Studios since the summer of 2009. She received her Bachelor of Arts from St. John Fisher college in psychology and her Master of Science from from the University of Rochester in human development.