What Is Considered a Trophy Northern Pike?

What Is Considered a Trophy Northern Pike?

Explore America's Campgrounds

The northern pike is a voracious and majestic toothy creature. Depending on the size and location where they are caught caught, large northern pike are considered trophies to anglers.


lake image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.com

Northern pike are the one of the most widely distributed freshwater fish in the world. According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), pike can be found in most waters--from small streams and ponds to the Great Lakes and large rivers. They are most commonly found and caught in lakes and reservoirs.

Potential Growth Rate

pike image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.com

Pike grow exceptionally fast compared to other predatory species, especially in southern warmer waters, where it is not uncommon for them to reach 30 inches in length in as little as 3 years. In northern climates, they will grow a bit more slowly, yet most pike are over 15 inches at 1 year old. Northern pike grow at different rates in each climate based on available forage.


brochet image by esoxlabrax from Fotolia.com

The Minnesota DNR says that northern pike caught by fisherman range from 2 to 3 pounds, and anything over 20 pounds is considered by most to be a trophy. The record pike for the state of Minnesota is over 45 pounds, and the International Game Fish Association record is a fish caught in Germany, which weighed over 55 pounds.

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