Upon receiving his first Oneida bow in 1982 from fellow hunter and rock-star Ted Nugent, the current owner of Oneida, Claude Pollington, began his career as a Oneida dealer, according to the CP Oneida Eagle website. The Oneida bow has been on top of the archery market for decades for its versatility and reliability. Once you purchase an Oneida bow, you'll have to make adjustments to the tiller and draw weight to to suit your shooting style and preference. These adjustments must be made according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Items you will need
1/8 inch Allen key
3/16 inch Allen key
Step 1
Loosen the slotted timing wheel screw with a 1/8 inch Allen key. The screw is located in the slotted timing wheel. Turn the screw only until you can spin the star washer. Note that the slotted timing wheel is the bottom wheel for a right-handed bow and on the top wheel for left-handed bows.
Step 2
Turn the top draw weight adjustment bolt clockwise by two complete turns using a 3/16 Allen key. Turn the bottom draw weight adjustment bolt in the same manner. Repeat this process once more, so both bolts have been turned clockwise by four complete turns each. Note that turning the top and bottom bolts must be alternated. Make no more than two complete turns for each bolt at a time.
Step 3
Measure the distance between the top cam nose and the bowstring with a ruler. Repeat with the bottom cam. This process will show you if the distance is in "tiller." If the distance to the string is the same from both cams, then the bow is in tiller. If the distance from the top cam to the string is shorter than that of the bottom cam, turn the top draw weight adjustment bolt counterclockwise until both cams are equidistant to the string, using the ruler as a guide. If the distance from the top cam to the string is longer, turn the top draw weight adjustment bolt clockwise until both cams are equidistant to the string.
Step 4
Tighten the slotted timing wheel screw once the bow is in tiller. Once tightened, pull the bowstring to test the draw weight. Decide if you want to increase or decrease the draw weight based on your strength and preference.
Step 5
Loosen the slotted timing wheel screw as in step 1. Turn the draw weight adjustment bolts clockwise to increase draw weight. Ensure that you only turn one bolt by no more than two complete turns; then turn the other adjustment bolt to match the first. One complete turn on the adjustment bolt will increase the draw weight by five pounds. For a lighter draw weight, turn the bolts counterclockwise in the same manner.