Marlboro is a cigarette brand that is recognized worldwide. Marlboro, along with Camel, is one of the most popular cigarettes in the United States. While Marlboro tobacco is an American domestic blend, it markets a variety of different flavors of cigarette.
Marlboro Reds
Marlboro Full Flavored cigarettes, or Marlboro Reds as they are commonly known because of the red crest on the white pack, are the original Marlboro cigarette and still the most recognizable. They are available in king size (the standard cigarette size) and in 100s (a slightly thinner, longer cigarette).
Marlboro Mediums
Marlboro Medium cigarettes were created to form a middle ground between Marlboro Reds and Marlboro Lights. They have the same signature Marlboro tobacco blend but with slightly less tar and nicotine than the Reds. They are marketed in a white pack with a smaller red Marlboro crest than Reds. They are available in king size and 100s.
Marlboro Lights
Marlboro Lights feature the same tobacco blend as Marlboro Reds but with less concentration of tar and nicotine. Marlboro Lights come in a white pack with a gold Marlboro crest. Lights are available in king size and 100s.
Marlboro Ultra Light
As a concession to rising health concerns, Marlboro developed an Ultra Light brand. Just like the Light cigarette, it features the same blend of tobacco as the Full Flavored Marlboros but with even less tar and nicotine. Ultra Lights come in a white pack with a silver Marlboro crest. Ultra Lights are available in king size and 100s.
Marlboro Menthol
Marlboro also markets cigarettes flavored with menthol. These are marketed in white packs with green detailing and are available in Full Flavored and Light variations.
Marlboro Smooth
Marlboro also markets a second brand of nicotine cigarette with a different flavor blend. They are marketed in a pack with a blue Marlboro crest. Full Flavor king size cigarettes are on the market.
Writer Bio
Beau Prichard has been a freelance writer and editor since 1999. He specializes in fiction, travel and writing coaching. He has traveled in the United Kingdom, Europe, Mexico and Australia. Prichard grew up in New Zealand and holds a Bachelor of Arts in writing from George Fox University.