How to Treat a New 15x48 Intex Pool

Explore America's Campgrounds

An Intex pool is a fast way to enjoy being able to swim in your own pool without the added cost of permanent, above ground pools. Intex pools are easy to set up, but they must be cared for and treated just like any other regular swimming pool. When a new Intex pool is set up, you should use a pool kit that contains all the chemicals needed to correctly balance your water. Correctly balanced water is key to keeping your pool clean and clear.

Items you will need

  • Test strips

  • pH increaser

  • pH decreaser

  • Shock

  • Chlorine dispenser

  • Chlorine tabs

  • Pool skimmer

  • Pool vacuum

  • Pool cover

Add Chemicals to the Pool

Step 1

Test the levels of the water with test strips before adding any chemicals. The alkalinity of the water should be in between 100 and 150 ppm. The pH should be between 7.4 and 7.8. Add pH increaser if the levels are too low, or add pH decreaser if the levels are too high. Follow the instructions on the back of the containers to determine how much increaser/decreaser you should add for the number of gallons in your pool. A 15 foot by 48 inch pool holds approximately 3,736 gallons of water.

Step 2

Add shock to the pool once the pH and alkalinity are at good levels. Follow the instructions again on the back of the shock container for the number of gallons of water in your pool. Test the level of chlorine in your pool to ensure you added enough shock. The level should be between 1 and 3 ppm.

Step 3

Add a floating chlorine dispenser. This keeps a steady stream of chlorine in the pool at all times. Place 3 chlorine tabs in the dispenser, and turn the dispenser to open up the holes so the chlorine can flow out when placed in the water. Turn the dispenser so it corresponds with the number of gallons in your pool. This will vary depending on the type of chlorine dispenser you have.

Turn on the Filter & Clean the Pool

Step 1

Turn on your pool's filter to circulate the water. You may not have any debris in your pool just yet, but it's a good idea to keep your filter running for about 6 hours with a brand new pool. This will aid in keeping debris to a minimum in your pool

Step 2

Use a pool skimmer to remove debris (if any) from the surface of your pool. Also consider using a pool vacuum to clean any debris from the bottom of your pool. Your filter will take care of a lot of the debris floating in your pool, but it will not get the debris on the bottom of your pool.

Step 3

Place a protective cover or solar cover over your pool. This will also aid in keeping leaves and other large objects out of your pool. Leaves play a part in the production of algae so it's important to make sure they stay out of your pool.


  • Do not lay on or go under the pool cover, or use the pool, when the cover is on. It is dangerous, and you could risk drowning or burning yourself if you have a solar cover.


  • Keep a schedule of when you maintain your pool. You must clean and test your pool each day, so consider making it a morning ritual.
Gone Outdoors