Your 2014 Sea-Doo GTS/ GTI/ GTR/ Wake series Bombardier uses a fly-by-wire electronics system to control the engine. Clip your safety tether to your PFD or wrist strap. Place your feet on the footboards and, with your left hand on the left handlebar grip, press the "Start/Stop" button to activate the electronics. Attach the safety tether to the engine kill switch within five seconds of system activation. Press and hold the "Start/Stop" button until the engine cranks up, then immediately release it.
Turning the Engine Off
Press the "Start/Stop" button once more to turn the engine off. Start the engine again within three minutes of turning it off by simply pressing "Start/Stop" again. If you miss this three-minute window, begin the startup procedure from the very beginning. The engine dies if the safety tether is removed from the engine kill switch, but the system will reset and you must perform the full startup procedure.
Writer Bio
TJ Hinton trained as an auto mechanic at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and then later graduated from MMI as a certified motorcycle mechanic . He's also worked for 20+ years in home construction, remodeling and repair. His articles appear on InternetAutoGuide.com and TopSpeed.com.