Travel trailers, also known as recreational vehicles, or RVs for short, are wallpapered much the same as houses, only with more intricate cutting required to fit the size and wall space. Wallpaper curls, peels, rips and holes can develop over time in a well-used travel trailer, necessitating repairs. Most repair jobs can be accomplished on your own without the need for costly professional services. When patching larger holes, sometimes cutting a square of replacement wallpaper and adhering it over the damage is the quickest way to fix the damage.
Items you will need
Typing correction fluid
Wallpaper vinyl-to-vinyl border glue
Putty knife
Paper towels
Step 1
Use the brush applicator from a bottle of typing correction fluid to dab small scratches, rips and staple or nail holes on white or very light-colored walls or coated pressboard furniture fixtures. According to RV University, touch-ups made with typing correction fluid are invisible and inexpensive.
Step 2
Slide any torn flaps or pieces of wallpaper between your index and middle finger to remove as many wrinkles from the paper as possible. Tug lightly at the crinkled wallpaper to smooth.
Step 3
Apply a liberal amount of vinyl-to-vinyl wallpaper border glue beneath the torn piece of wallpaper. According to RV Living, wallpapering a travel trailer is the same as wallpapering a house, but you need to apply extra glue. Wallpaper border glue can be purchased at home improvement, paint and discount stores.
Step 4
Use a putty knife to gently push and pull down against the rip/flap with the flat blade edge to smooth the wallpaper repair and squeeze out the excess glue. Wipe the excess glue from the knife onto paper towels to clean the knife as you work. Clean any excess glue from the surrounding wallpaper with a damp sponge before the glue dries.
Step 5
Apply wallpaper border glue beneath curled wallpaper edges. Press down and smooth the paper flat. Some wallpaper sections are trimmed with plastic or wood as a molding, and the paper should be reinserted with the edge of your putty knife beneath the trim. Press on the paper, sliding it beneath the trim with the knife blade. Squirt wallpaper border glue beneath the trim and press hard for a few minutes to secure the molding to the paper beneath.
Writer Bio
Louise Harding holds a B.A. in English language arts and is a licensed teacher. Harding is a professional fiction writer. She is mother to four children, two adopted internationally, and has had small businesses involving sewing and crafting for children and the home. Harding's frugal domestic skills help readers save money around the home.