A team roping dummy helps you to practice your lassoing skills, enabling you to throw your lariat with confidence. Although you can purchase dummies from retail establishments, you can save money by building your own. By constructing your own dummy, you can customize it to suit your needs.
Items you will need
2-inch-diameter PVC pipe
Tape measure
1 four-way, side-outlet PVC coupling tee, 2-inch-diameter
2 three-way, side-outlet PVC coupling tees, 2-inch-diameter
½-inch drill bit
Roping dummy steer head
6 PVC end caps
Step 1
Measure and cut four 24-inch sections of PVC pipe, using the tape measure and hacksaw. These will serve as the legs of the dummy. Measure and cut a 40-inch section of PVC to form the body of the dummy. Measure and cut a 6-inch section of PVC to form the neck. When combined with the two 4-inch sections, these will form the mounting point for the head.
Step 2
Insert two legs into the 3-way PVC coupler to form the rear legs of the dummy. Insert two legs into the 4-way PVC coupler to form the front shoulders. Insert the body pipe into each of the couplers, which should yield a 4-legged structure.
Step 3
Place the neck pipe into the open slot at the front of the body. Attach a 3-way coupler to the end of the neck and insert the two 4-inch sections in each side of the coupler.
Step 4
Line up the dummy’s mounting spikes with the PVC mounting points. Using a pen, mark the location of both spikes. Drill a ½-inch hole at each mark, penetrating all the way through the PVC. Attach the head to the body by inserting the mounting spikes in each hole.
Step 5
Place an end cap on each of the four legs and both mounting sections. This will prevent water, dirt and bugs from entering the pipes.
- If you do not have a dummy head, you can make your own by replacing the 4-inch mounting sections with 10-inch sections. These will replicate the steer’s horns.
- Use 3-inch-diameter PVC pipe if you would prefer a sturdier dummy, but this will increase the weight significantly.
- To make your roping dummy mobile, drill a hole in each end cap. Attach a caster to each leg by inserting the mounting shaft into the hole.
- Experiment with different leg lengths to devise the best dummy for your needs.
- If you do not intend to transport the dummy, glue the joints with an adhesive designed for PVC pipes.
- If you do not have a dummy head, you can make your own by replacing the 4-inch mounting sections with 10-inch sections. These will replicate the steer’s horns.
- Use 3-inch-diameter PVC pipe if you would prefer a sturdier dummy, but this will increase the weight significantly.
- To make your roping dummy mobile, drill a hole in each end cap. Attach a caster to each leg by inserting the mounting shaft into the hole.
- Experiment with different leg lengths to devise the best dummy for your needs.
- If you do not intend to transport the dummy, glue the joints with an adhesive designed for PVC pipes.