It's always fun to venture outside of the everyday norm, to try something new. Winter time and cold temperatures can bring just the thrill you're looking for, especially if you live near water. Participating in a polar plunge can be just the adventure you're after. Donning the proper attire can make your experience a lot less traumatic and maybe even enjoyable.
Plunging Appearal
The morning of the polar plunge when you're trying to decide what to wear, keep in mind that you'll want something that is easy and quick to get out of. The Coney Island Polar Bear Club recommends going with the old standby bathing suit. However, you can also opt for a pair of shorts, with a drawstring, and a t-shirt that can be removed promptly following the plunge.
Protect the Tootsies
Shoes may not be at the top of your list when deciding on what to wear for the plunge, but they should be. The beach and the water may have hazards you'll want to protect your feet from. Water shoes with rubber soles or neoprine surf boots are both appropriate choices.
Post-plunge Attire
Choosing what to wear after the plunge is just as important as what to wear during the plunge. After you emerge from the frigid water, your only concern is going to be to get warm. Base layers for your top and bottom along with a cozy sweatshirt, pants, coat and hat will help get your body temperature back up where it should be. Don't forget warm socks and a pair of shoes, like boots or other slip-ons, that are easy to get on and don't require the use of your frozen fingers to tie laces.
While you don't have to be a physically fit athlete to compete in a polar plunge, it's always a good idea to chat with your doctor about the event to make sure you're healthy enough for that kind of shock to the system. The Polar Bear Plungers advise against diving or running into the water to avoid injuring yourself or others.
Writer Bio
Jen Weir writes for several websites, specializing in the health and fitness field. She holds a Bachelor of Science in exercise science from Montana State University, is an NSCA-certified strength and conditioning specialist and maintains a personal trainer certification from the American College of Sports Medicine.