How to Raise Quails With Chickens

How to Raise Quails With Chickens

Explore America's Campgrounds

Items you will need

  • Coop

  • Enclosed run with small-holed wire mesh

  • Board lumber or wire


  • Do not let the chickens have access to the quail as they may attack and kill the smaller birds.

    Quail fly and will usually not return to the coop as they are not domestic animals.

Quail can be raised side-by-side with chickens, however there are some issues. Quail cannot be housed in the same space with the chickens as quail and chickens cannot intermingle. There is the slight issue of disease transmission, but this can be countered by good bird selection and cleanliness. Quail can be raised alongside chickens but they do need their own coop section and aviary.

    Arrange to have the chicken and quail coops divided so that the quail and chickens do not intermingle. Do not run the quail together with the chickens.

    Separate the pasture or yard areas. Build a separate covered and fenced outdoor run for the quail. Chickens can free range but quail cannot, as they fly and will not return.

    Fence the quail's aviary with small-holed wire available at farm and garden stores. Set boards or wire below the fence line to deter digging predators. Sections of wire about 1 foot wide can be set at the base of the aviary fence to prevent predator access. Cover this wire with mulch, stones or dirt.

Gone Outdoors