Applying fiberglass over wood can be done using fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin. Fiberglass is a popular material used in boats, cars and recreational vehicles due to it being lightweight and a good weather protectant. Fiberglass will bind with the wood and give it protection from water. The following steps will cover the tools, materials and application techniques needed in order to apply fiberglass over wood.
Items you will need
Fiberglass cloth
Epoxy resin
Epoxy hardener
Masking tape
Foam paintbrush
Brush roller designed for fiberglass application
Plastic squeegee
Fiberglass shears or heavy-duty scissors
Soap and water
Mix epoxy resin and epoxy hardener according to the manufacturer's directions.
Apply the first thin coat of epoxy resin using a brush roller. Allow to dry.
Cut fiberglass cloth to appropriate size and tape to the wood. Make sure the fiberglass cloth lies flat and smooth on the wood. Overlap connecting pieces of fiberglass cloth by one inch.
Working quickly, apply a second coat of epoxy resin over the fiberglass cloth using a brush roller. Work on small areas at a time, removing each piece of tape as you get to it. Apply enough epoxy resin to fully saturate the fibers of the fiberglass cloth. Do not apply the epoxy resin any thicker than required to fully saturate the fiberglass cloth.
Brush over the epoxy resin with a plastic squeegee to push out any air bubbles. Let the epoxy resin dry.
Sand any bumpy areas of epoxy resin with sandpaper. Be careful not to damage the fiberglass cloth.
Apply a third thin coat of epoxy resin using a brush roller. Use a foam brush to smooth out the epoxy resin. Let the epoxy resin dry.
Sand any bumpy areas of epoxy resin with sandpaper.
Apply a fourth and final thin coat of epoxy resin using a brush roller. Use a foam brush to smooth out the epoxy resin.
Lightly sand any areas of the fiberglass that needs to be smoothed. Fiberglass can be painted with gel coat paint.
- Wear a mask when sanding epoxy.
- Clean paint brushes, brush rollers and squeegees after use with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
- Clean paint brushes, brush rollers and squeegees after use with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
- Wear a mask when sanding epoxy.
Writer Bio
Rose Kivi has been a writer for more than 10 years. She has a background in the nursing field, wildlife rehabilitation and habitat conservation. Kivi has authored educational textbooks, patient health care pamphlets, animal husbandry guides, outdoor survival manuals and was a contributing writer for two books in the Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Series.