An outboard motor is an engine designed for small watercraft that mounts on the back, or stern, of a boat. This part of a boat also is referred to as the transom. An ELPT outboard is an acronym meaning the motor has electric start, long shaft and power trim features.
Electric Start
Outboard motors designed with electric start are started by activating an electronic switch. This feature is more convenient than a manual design that uses a cord you must pull to start the motor.
Long Shaft
The shaft is the portion of the outboard motor that connects the top of the engine to the propeller. For a long shaft design, the distance between the top of the motor and the propeller generally is 20 inches. Long shaft outboard motors are favorable for boat transoms that are 18 to 21 inches high.
Power Trim
Power trim allows you to adjust the angle of the outboard motor electronically as it moves through the water. Manipulating the trim is useful in keeping the boat level depending on factors, such as speed, boat design and the amount of weight on board the watercraft.
Writer Bio
Theresa Custodio is a Michigan-certified nurseryman with over 10 years experience. She has spent over five years working for the State of Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality writing permits and violation notices, which are published for public record. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University with a major in biology and a minor in conservation and resource use.