When you go camping, or if there is a plumbing emergency that prevents you from using your toilets at home, you'll need to arrange for the collection and storage of human waste. One option is to use a Double Doodie plastic bag. It consists of a leak-proof sealable outer bag, with an inner bag that contains Bio-Gel waste-absorbing gelatin powder, which solidifies waste and contains odors. The puncture-resistant bag fits inside a bucket-style portable toilet during use.
Step 1
Open the lid of the portable toilet.
Step 2
Remove the waste-filled Double Doodie plastic bag.
Step 3
Press the inner zip lock to close the seal of the inner bag.
Step 4
Press the outer bag's zip lock to seal it.
Step 5
Place the double-sealed Double Doodie bag into a garbage can for disposal.
Writer Bio
Julius Vandersteen has been a freelance writer since 1999. His work has appeared in “The Los Angeles Times,” “Wired” and “S.F. Weekly.” Vandersteen has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from San Francisco State University.