How to Disassemble the Jennings J-22 LR

How to Disassemble the Jennings J-22 LR

Explore America's Campgrounds

The Jennings J-22 is a small, blow-back action auto-loading pistol chambered for the .22 LR cartridge. The breech action is similar to that of the German Walther PP in that the recoil spring encircles the barrel, but the fire control assembly is much simplified when compared to the Walther. The J-22 is easy to disassemble for cleaning, requiring virtually no tools to do so. A ballpoint pen or even a small stick will suffice for takedown.

Items you will need

  • Ball point pen or similar blunt object

Step 01

Remove the magazine from the pistol, then retract the slide to make sure it is unloaded.

Step 11

Pull the trigger to drop the firing pin. Always point the gun in a safe direction when you do this, even though the gun is unloaded.

Step 21

Depress the takedown button, located at the rear of the slide. Use a ballpoint pen, small stick or similar object.

Step 31

Lift the rear of the slide away from the frame until it stops, while holding the takedown button in. Gently release the takedown button. Be careful, because it is under spring tension.

Step 41

Push the slide forward until it clears the barrel, then set it aside. Be careful that the recoil spring doesn't escape.

Step 51

Remove the recoil spring by slipping it off the front of the barrel. You have disassembled the pistol as far as is recommended by the factory.


  • Always practice muzzle awareness. Keep the muzzle of any gun pointed in a safe direction at all times, whether loaded or not.


  • Once disassmbled, you may easily clean the bore from the rear, using a patch soaked in solvent. Apply a drop of oil to any part that shows rub marks. Apply a thin coat of oil to the bore, and the outside of the barrel.
Gone Outdoors