There are a number of different styles of taxidermy mounts you can use to display a trophy deer you killed while hunting. Several different factors, including the size and condition, along with your own tastes, may influence your choice in how you have your deer head mounted.
European or Texas Mount
The European mount, which is also called the Texas mount, is the most simple of the common ways to mount deer heads. The taxidermist takes the skull, removes the antlers and jawbone, then boils and bleaches the skull until it is pure white. Once the skull is clean, the taxidermist re-attaches the antlers and mounts the bare skull and antlers on a wooden plaque.
Neck Mount
When the deer's full head and the top part of its neck are used to make a mount, the mount is called a neck mount. These mounts are lifelike and are created when the taxidermist attaches the hide and antlers of a deer to a pre-made form. The taxidermist adds realistic details such as eyes and molds the form to give the deer a realistic physical appearance. The goal of these mounts is that at first glance the deer still appears to be alive, even though it is typically mounted on a wooden plaque.
Shoulder Mount
The shoulder mount is often considered to be the most popular style of deer mount. It is made when the head is connected to a full neck and into the shoulder area. This is one of the larger types of trophy mounts. Similar to the neck mount, shoulder mounted deer are intended to appear life like. Shoulder mounts may or may not be anchored to a plaque.
Writer Bio
Jen Davis has been writing since 2004. She has served as a newspaper reporter and her freelance articles have appeared in magazines such as "Horses Incorporated," "The Paisley Pony" and "Alabama Living." Davis earned her Bachelor of Arts in communication with a concentration in journalism from Berry College in Rome, Ga.