Tune up your ATV and explore scenic trails in Arkansas including the 35-mile Wolf Pen Gap ATV trail in Ouachita National Forest. Scenic sights along the way include high mountain vistas, large pines, mine shafts, rivers and hardwoods. To get to the trails, you may have to cross some public roads and other pathways. Familiarize yourself with ATV rules and regulations in Arkansas including the restrictions for riding on county roads and other non-designated ATV trails.
Arkansas ATV Riding
Arkansas offers many trails for ATV riders and other motorized vehicles. Some of the trails are for multiple-use, which allow horseback riders, mountain bikers and hikers to use the same paths. Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism designates ATV trails where riders can take their ATV and explore routes. Roads and highways for vehicle use are not shared by ATVs. Most ATV trails are designated in recreational parks and forests. The US Forest Service requires that all of the nation's national forests assign a system of roads and trails for use of all motorized vehicles including ATVs.
State Laws
State laws for ATV riding in county trails and road paths are enforced by the state and county police. An ATV must be titled and registered by the owner at the state's Department of Motor Vehicle or Office of Motor Vehicle. All 3-and 4-wheeled ATVs must have a registration number decal affixed on the ATV. If riding half an hour after sunset or half an hour before sunrise, the headlight and taillight must be lit.
County Roads
County roads are not open for ATV riding unless otherwise noted. ATVs are not allowed on highways and public streets except when riders need to cross these roads. Farmers and hunters on ATVs are to allowed to cross the roads to access and move from one field to another. ATV riders can also use roads and public streets outside the city limits to reach trails or to access private property.
Designated Routes
To make sure your are riding your ATV on designated routes, refer the annual publication of Motor Vehicle Use Map or MVUM. This map lists more than 1,100 miles of designated ATV parks and trails in the Ouachita and Ozark National Forests. The map is available on-line at aokforests.com or at any National Forest office.
Writer Bio
Rona Aquino began writing professionally in 2008. As an avid marathon runner and outdoor enthusiast, she writes on topics of running, fitness and outdoor recreation for various publications. Aquino holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications and English from the University of Maryland College Park.