A fishing net is a necessary item for any fisherman, and you should always have one when on a fishing outing. Large nets can go up in cost, putting them out of your price range. You can go the frugal route and make your own quite easily with some netting, twine and a few nails. You can make the net as big or small as you want by just adding more twine and knots. Make sure you have plenty of twine before you start so you don't get stuck half way through tying your net.
Items you will need
Netting twine
Bang two nails into a wall with a hammer. This is where you will tie your net as you make it. The nails should be as far apart as you want the net to be wide.
Tie a length of netting twine to each of the nails. The twine should be tied so it is taught. This will be your starting string.
Cut the twine so you have a length of twine twice the length you want the net to be with scissors. For example, if you want your net to be 4 feet long, cut an 8-foot piece of twine.
Hold the twine in half, and with the looped middle held behind the starting string, tie the twine to the string.
Insert the loose ends of the twine through the loop of the middle of the piece. The twine should be wrapped around the starting string. Pull until the knot is tight.
Continue to cut and tie twine around the starting string until you have as much space between each piece of twine as you want. The distance form one piece of twine to the next is how big the holes in your net will be.
Make sure the twine is spread out evenly along the starting string and that you are happy with the gap between each piece.
Grasp the right side string of the first knot on the left. This is the second piece of twine hanging from the starting string.
Pick up the left piece of twine of the second knot, from the left side of the starting string. You should be holding the second and third piece of twine hanging from the string, starting at the left side. Then tie the strings together.
Continue to tie each piece of twine to the one next to it, until you reach the last piece on the right. This piece of twine should be left hanging
Tie the next row of twine in the same way as the first; except start by tying the first piece of twine to second, instead of the second to the third. Finish the row like this.
Alternate between starting with the second piece of twine and the first until you reach the end of the twine.
- Don't leave fishing nets near small children because they can get tangled in them and become injured.
- Have something similar in size to what you want to catch with your net to check the size of the holes against.
- Have something similar in size to what you want to catch with your net to check the size of the holes against.
- Don't leave fishing nets near small children because they can get tangled in them and become injured.
Writer Bio
Based in New Jersey, Susan Raphael has been writing technology-related articles since 1991. Her work has appeared in “Wired” magazine, and “Mac Addict” magazine. Raphael received the Janet B. Smith Literary Award in 2002. She holds a Bachelor of Science in journalism from New York University.