The standard sewer line on a recreational vehicle leaves much to be desired. Little more than a length of thin, flexible plastic hose reinforced with wire, the lines are adequate for short-term use but break down quickly in harsh weather. Using PVC pipe, some simple tools and a couple of flexible rubber connectors, you can make a hard, durable sewer line that will stand up to the long haul.
Items you will need
Tape measure
3-inch-diameter PVC pipe
Utility knife
2 flexible 3-inch connectors
45-degree adapter, RV drain outlet to 3-inch sewer hose
Right-angle sewer-fitting adapter
Step 1
Close both RV drain valves. Twist off the drain outlet termination cap.
Step 2
Measure the distance from the RV drain outlet to the sewer inlet. Transfer this measurement to 3-inch-diameter PVC pipe. Cut the pipe to length with a saw. Use a utility knife to remove any burrs from the cut ends.
Step 3
Slip a 3-inch flexible connector onto the hose side of a 45-degree RV drain outlet adapter. Twist the adapter onto the RV drain outlet. Slip the cut length of PVC pipe into the other side of the flexible connector. Tighten the provided clamps on the connector with a screwdriver.
Step 4
Screw or insert the right-angle sewer-fitting adapter into the sewer inlet. Position the PVC pipe alongside the sewer fitting to check the length. Trim the pipe if necessary. Slip a 3-inch flexible connector onto the open end of the PVC pipe. Slip the other side of the flexible connector onto the right-angle sewer fitting adapter. Tighten the clamps.
Step 5
Open the RV gray water drain valve. Turn on the water at one of the faucets inside the RV. Check the PVC drain pipe for leaks. Pay particular attention to the flexible connectors and tighten the clamps if necessary.
Writer Bio
Steve Hamilton has been writing professionally since 1983. His credits include novels under the Dell imprint and for Harlequin Worldwide. A remodeling and repair specialist with over 20 years experience, he is also a Certified Pool Operator and holds an EPA Universal refrigerant certification.